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2022년 11월 21일 월요일

Actual material economy abuse

In Korea, I did not participate in any of the monetary economy sectors such as stocks and funds, but only in the material economy sector based on direct work. I had the idea that the national economy could be solid only based on the actual material economy.


But the atmosphere of the country treated the working man with contempt. Working hours were long, salaries were small, and working welfare was disastrous. All the added value created from work was moving to the monetary economy or the real estate sector.


Suppose you have a healthy country with farmers, mills, and bakers. When a farmer produces wheat and sells it to a miller for 500 won, a flour producer sells it to a baker for 600 won, and a baker makes bread and sells it to consumers for 700 won. Then, the country's gross national product (GNP) is 500 won + 100 won + 100 won = 700 won, which is the total value added.


However, from one day, when the atmosphere of the country neglected to work, the farmer abandoned the land, and the mill and baker abandoned the factory and participated in stock, real estate, and financial investment with the money they had saved. Soon after that, the stock of wheat, flour, and bread stored in the country and society was consumed. Then everyone in the country piled up a lot of money in a good house and starved to death.


Japan was the same as above, Korea is doing the same as above, and Britain seems to be doing the same as above. No, capitalist society tends to flow like that most of the time. However, we should not look at this reality ideologically, but from a purely economic perspective.


These days, the economic crisis seems to be coming around the world. So can't this crisis be solved?


American physicist Richard Phillips Feynman (1918-1988) once told a student studying the bizarre laws of quantum mechanics that it was a waste of time to look at this and think, "How could that be?"Such an idea is like falling into an impossible black hole of nonsense, and what happens at this quantum level cannot be understood in terms of expressing concepts that are familiar to us. But finance is not quantum mechanics. There should be an answer to the question, "How could that be?"


- [ FORECAST] by Mark Buchanan -

a double translation


Perhaps Mark Buchanan is saying that there is an answer for humans because the financial system is man-made.


Russia and Saudi Arabia make strong arguments based on abundant underground resources, and China has a bleak future due to real estate issues. Germany and Japan, which lost after the war, grew rapidly and became economic powers. Moreover, Japan was helped by the Korean War and the Vietnam War. This is all a fact that shows the importance of the real economy. If the real economy is neglected under the pretext of a capitalist society, the capitalist economic system will bring disaster.


The tradition of being framed as a leftist when emphasizing the real economy sector such as workers' welfare also contributed to the upcoming tragedy. It should be considered from the pure perspective of healing the economy and faithfulness of the basics.




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