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2023년 4월 2일 일요일

War with the Old Man

Heraclitus, a pre-Socrates Greek philosopher, said that everything in the world always changes and that symmetrical things struggle and maintain balance. Nowadays, it seems that older people around the world are overwhelming young people and cannot maintain balance. And the old man doesn't change either. I'm talking about a world that's rapidly becoming conservative.


The biggest reason for Russia's invasion of Ukraine is the political desire of the old generation to re-experience the glory of the former Soviet Union in Russia. I once wrote that President Putin must also be embraced by the conservative and militant aspirations of the people. This is true of the reality of China, Japan, and Korea.


Older people are past-oriented because they are aware of the limitations of aging and lifespan. The elderly are bound to be irresponsible about the future they won't have to live in. So they are more subject to habit. In the vertical Eastern society, which still does not achieve a complete equal society and gives many vested interests in authority, status, and age, an elderly-centered society is bound to proceed rapidly.


The tendency of the elderly is closely related to the health of the elderly. As I observed while driving a neighborhood bus for a long time, 90 percent of passengers who cause bad events were in their 50s (more broadly, in their late 40s and early 60s). So are most of the people who commit violent crimes in society. There is also that age behind global war or expansionism. Older people and older leaders cooperate with each other.


Perhaps the age group is the generation most shocked by the rapid physical decline. The onset of aging and physical decline rush the mind and hinder the gradual future design. Therefore, there is also a reason to induce the younger generation to enter the political area at a certain rate. The elderly should think of more objectifying themselves and living forever in a healthy body and mind.


In fact, at that age, I was able to properly find such characteristics in the behavior of myself and my acquaintances. As a result, I often think that giving up sensual greed and managing myself well is giving peace to myself and my surroundings. But it's not easy. In particular, the case of Russia's invasion of Ukraine was the first to touch my mind with a generational conflict rather than the point of view of unification or war between countries, which I consider very important. It is regrettable to look at who thought of war and supported it, and who are dying while fighting without knowing why. Moreover, I had a lot of experience of suffering from old gangsters with high academic backgrounds in my youth. Therefore, it seems to have predicted that the conservative psychology of the elderly will bring disaster to the world. However, since we are all going to be elderly, I think we should try to objectify and improve such problems rather than evaluate the good and evil of the elderly generation. The old man is bright and there is no war. Young people are usually bright.




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