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2022년 10월 17일 월요일

inherited conflict

One day, I was driving a bus on the back road of Seoul. Turning right, I passed the crosswalk a little quickly. Two middle-aged men standing pointed their fingers at the bus. I wanted to know something, so I stopped the bus about 100 meters later. As predicted, middle-aged men chased 100 meters without running properly, lecturing and verbal terrorism against a young, short-lived bus driver (actually the opposite). I resumed the bus service with an apology and an appendix to the abusive language of boring old men. The aggression of middle-aged men seems to have come from wanting to be a young man once again, but I felt empty like a zombie who smelled blood.

Older people say that young people these days are weak, but they don't think of the peace-tamed image that young people have today. The environment of the pre-middle-aged generation was very harsh. In particular, the elders of the world affected by World War II and the Cold War were too exposed to a world dominated by conflict and pain. Humans get future action guidelines from past experiences. Sometimes new experiences are gained through education, reading, and travel, but if there is no intentional sense of reform, the past experiences are taken to the future for quite a long time.

Moreover, the experience of the old generation, which has been tamed a lot in conflicting environments such as the Cold War and war, will not help the future human life much. In order to become a meek person with age, everyone had to not suffer too much from conflicting world.

Looking at the results of the study, more than a third of the violent leaders in TV programs were not punished. In addition, 70 percent of the actors were described as people who committed violence and felt no remorse or guilt. And 50% of the characters described as victims appeared to feel no pain, and 40% of all violence was broadcast diluted with humor.

Forty percent of the violence was committed by attractive and heroic models, with less than five percent of the violence programmes containing anti-violent messages. The most shocking result here is that when children see these scenes often, they perceive violence as "desirable, necessary, and not painful."



a double translation

The conflict-oriented appearance of Russia's old generation who supported the invasion of Ukraine, China's old generation who respect Mao Zedong, and the far-right forces, which often emerge from the West, can be interpreted as a result of their failure to heal historical wounds.



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