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2022년 6월 27일 월요일

Comparison of Organizational Behavior between Prosecution and Police



Korea is a country with clear ideological distinctions. Many problems result in ideological problems. When distinguishing between conservatives and progressives, progress is not synonymous with reform, but with the word left. Therefore, the issue of areas of police and prosecution rights related to the right to investigate is also likely to be misunderstood as ideological division.


1) Until now, the police authority has been a sub-area of the prosecution authority 2) The police authority is more friendly to practical field work than the prosecution authority 3) The police authority is sensitive to reform feedback demands and the prosecution authority adheres to conventional and traditional behavior.


However, the characteristics of the two organizations should be examined from a different perspective.


The prosecution is an inner circle organization. The cohesiveness inside the organization is strong and the bonding strength with other organizations or the private sector is weak. The vertical hierarchy is strong. The reason seems to have originated from the principle of uniformity of prosecutors and the tradition of elite bureaucrats that originated from the Japanese colonial period. In the Anglo-American legal community, the legal community is free-marketed, and in the continental legal community, the legal community is an elite bureaucratic class. Korea's legal culture, influenced by German law(or Japanese law), is introverted and hierarchical. Members of an inner circle organization are prone to maintaining upper-level oriented thinking. It is also expressed as a career-oriented because there is no horizontal space-time to dissipate the energy of the members.


The police are an outgoing organization. Since the inside of the organization is diverse and has many direct contacts with citizens, the internal cohesiveness is weak and the bonding power with the private sector is strong. Sometimes this serves as an automatic device that controls police power. Compared to the absurdity of the prosecution, the absurdity of the police is easily revealed and criticized. In addition, the police are constantly required to reform to cope with the changing outside world. This is why the police cannot become a political force no matter how large the organization becomes.


Unexpectedly, the current government seems to be attempting to internalize intelligence and police. The president's intentions are unknown, but the flow is so. Both the prosecution and the police must be organized outwardly to become a future-oriented organization. If you think that the prosecution is conservative politicized and the police are progressive politicized according to the behavioral nature of the organization, you have a wrong perspective that is wrong. This is because both organizations must exist for citizens (people).




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