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2024년 8월 29일 목요일

A purpose-oriented government and pro-Japanese / Lee Kuan Yew


Power is not reigning, but serving. Policy ideas come out only when the sense of purpose of serving the people is firm. Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew government's long-term rule was natural if interpreted as an approach to national purposes rather than from the level of power. The leader's personnel actions, policy flexibility, and anti-corruption are possible when a sense of purpose is established like faith. If you don't understand this problem, you can think of a peaceful life of sacrifice and service of a religious person. You can understand that the grand and clear the ideal humans pursue, the wiser they live.


Will the political system that my colleagues and I have developed do the same for the next generation? I don't think so. Technology and globalization are changing the way people work and live. Singaporeans will also have new ways of working and living. As the international backbone of the knowledge-based economy in the information technology age, we will always be exposed to external influences.


Will the PAP continue to dominate Singaporean politics in this environment? How strong will the democratic opposition's challenge be in the future? How the PAP copes with the changes created by the needs and aspirations of higher education people and the desire to become more involved in policymaking that will make their lives work.


- an intermediate omission -


Conducting an orchestra is the same as running a government. Without a competent team, a prime minister can accomplish nothing. The prime minister does not have to be a good performer, but he must be well aware of the major instruments, from the violin to the cello, French horn to the flute. Otherwise, the prime minister will not know what to draw from each instrument. The main point of my style is to appoint the best personnel to the post of minister of a department that takes on important tasks at certain times.



double translation


Fortunately, Singapore's politicians and bureaucrats learned how to behave early because they were educated in British democracy (which does not mean that Singapore was a British colony). It means that the government was operating in a fairly developed and democratic manner in the UK). On the one hand, the Korean government has many points that show not only the use of the spoils system and cronyism ministers, but also the immature political operation to resemble Japanese-style nationalism and anti-democratic tendencies. In fact, North Korea is said to be an ideological state, but in reality, I think the fact that it embodied Japan's anti-democratic and nationalistic tendencies led to the problem. North Korea and South Korea should fundamentally liquidate the pro-Japanese.

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