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2024년 8월 17일 토요일

Korean people's basic sentiments / anti-Japanese and anti-communist

 People on the Korean Peninsula are living in the mire of ideology.


North Korean President Kim Jong-un may know instinctively that a liberal market economy is beneficial in building a strong and prosperous country, although it may be attached to the idea that Pyongyang can protect its power. However, it is not just a matter of fact. North Koreans have been educated in communist ideology for more than 70 years. They will not be able to change their "belief" all of a sudden. That is why they need to be soft-wired in a buffered nature. If there were ideological engineers like Hwang Jang-yup who could develop Kim Il-sung's Juche ideology and have idealistic tendencies, the North Korean authorities should also discuss it.


In Korea, anti-Japanese and anti-communist ideologies are often questioned. Again, it is a matter of education. Considering the basic sentiment of Koreans, pro-communism and pro-Japanese collaboration are both "rebel acts." It is natural that Koreans who have experienced aggression from North Korea and Japan, the two main ideologies, antagonize pro-Japanese collaboration and pro-communism. However, although the anti-communist ideology is common, there are some generous opinions on Japan's act of aggression, which is the fundamental incident that made Korea a divided nation. The public should cooperate quickly to find out and prevent them from engaging in activities in sunny places.


While discussing ideological issues for more than 20 years, I believe that the Japanese government, which was an economically superior power, worked to plant pro-Japanese ideas in Korea. After all, it was a maneuver that looked to the future from the fact that colonial educational ideas did not teach Koreans beyond practical technical education. And I am sure that since then, the Japanese government has fostered pro-Japanese people in Korea by wrapping international relations and friendly exchanges.


Koreans are chosen by mistaking anti-Japan and anti-communism for the concepts of progressive and conservative. However, it is not a matter of choice. Japan and North Korea should be recognized as future partners, but Koreans cannot be tolerant of past history.




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