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2024년 8월 21일 수요일

The pain of the rise of the hierarchy

I am very interested in the issue of unification related to the two Koreas. Therefore, I write a lot about ideology. I mainly try to analyze and gain insight. And I like exercise. So I get less stress. For that reason (though I think) aging seems to come a little later than others. So to speak, I feel less stressed by the desire to rise.


One of the biggest issues in Korean politics at the moment, the crippling of political power and its surrounding figures, is a side effect caused by the desire to rise up the class. If you forget the idea that 'human beings are equal', you will be stressed out to gain a higher position than yourself. Even if you step up the stairs of your status, you will be able to recognize a higher position than yourself.


There are two floors above the first floor and three floors above the second floor. There is a saying that goes "there is a fourth floor above the third floor, there is a rooftop above the fourth floor, there is a Korean national flag on the rooftop, there is a sky above the Korean national flag, and in Korea, there is a saying that the public sentiment is heavenly."


The disruptions brought about by competitive Korean education were that it failed to make a habit of thinking of humans as equal. Perhaps it is a problem not only in Korea, but also in Eastern society, where there were many reforms from above, unlike Western society, which realized an equal society early through the civil revolution.


It is said that it is difficult to find a bus driver in Korea these days. I've been a technician or bus driver for a long time, and it has already been predicted for a long time. Although it is getting better now, technicians and bus drivers in Korea have been the place where Korea's military class culture remains the longest. In addition, there was apprenticeship education, so it was easy for superiors to dominate the subordinates in their entire personality. As a result, compared to the old generations, the new generation with equal and free thinking felt burdened by entering the industry. Everyone turned away from engineers and bus drivers due to the lack of social or economic treatment to offset the outdated workplace culture.

The situation is the same in the legal culture including the prosecution. It is hard to exercise one's ability only with a desire to raise one's status. In particular, the political prosecution's desire to raise its status was aimed at political power. However, there is something they should recognize. Even within the prosecution group, profits were made by one person or a small number of people, and the rest were hard-working as stairs. It became very ridiculous from the perspective of outsiders who have the idea of equality. Moreover, living only with the desire to raise status, not the purpose of serving the people, makes one incompetent........Life is short, but time is not long to die after doing good things.




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