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2024년 8월 9일 금요일

Causes of war and primitive tribes

According to Mervyn Maggitt, who studied the Mae Enga wars of Papua New Guinea's western highlands, about 75 percent of the attackers in those wars manage to acquire significant amounts of enemy land. <If starting a war first usually pays the attackers a price, it is no surprise that in general the Maeans considered war worth the human life.> Megitt's words.




The cause of war is extremely barbaric, not just in primitive civilizations like Papua New Guinea, but in brilliant modern civilizations. The expansionary tendencies of Russia and China stem from very simple reasons. This is the reason why they want to expand and benefit. Of course, it is based on the sacrifice of the other country. These countries overshadow the fact that civilized societies have developed cultures and are seeking ways to expand to blue oceans rather than red oceans.


Russia's land is vast and barren. China has a large population and a very large gap between the rich and the poor. Because the Middle East is a barren desert region, traditionally there have been many nomadic wars over oasis. It is not surprising that these places still follow the old problem-solving methods of war. If people learn inclusive ideologies such as democracy, pluralism, and cosmopolitanism, they may change. In any case, I'm not disparaging these regions, and I'm saying that even a civilized country is no different from Papua New Guinea's primitive tribes.


What I discovered after doing various things, such as bus driving for a long time, is that humans turn belligerent in the middle age. Middle-aged men have one last chance to show their masculinity ahead of their old age. Middle-aged humans also feel physical decline due to menopausal changes. Middle-aged humans lose their enterprising mindset and return to a conservative one. Middle-aged humans want to prove that they are still alive. However, the reality is that personal and social environmental conditions make people feel a sense of decline.


If a middle-aged man is the leader of the state, he will undoubtedly want to demonstrate his youth with an expansive mindset. As a result, they engage in quite belligerent remarks and actions, and they actually use the state's resources to wage war.


Our lives always grow by struggling with something. It could be you, your goal, your neighbor, Milice, or a thug who took your love, Elise, in a luxury car and stole it (actually, the lyrics of "My Neighbor, Elise," a smoky song). In a civilized society, however, objects to fight against are higher-level, more diverse, and more cultural. Humans in a civilized society have chosen the path of cooperation to seek the cooperation of others in order to get what they want. The struggle to destroy themselves and their opponents is the way to a pre-civilized society. Indeed, this is the case. After a war, even the victor is devastated. - Korea's war strategy, which has historically been invaded only, is a hedgehog strategy. Even if Korea loses the war, Korea's strategy is to prevent its victorious adversary from serving as a state.

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