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2024년 12월 21일 토요일

Schizophrenia, rationality and ideology

The state of excess ideology is always unstable and precarious. This is due to the fact that rational thinking does not intervene. In general, if a person wants to solve a problem, they go through the process of observation and analysis to come up with an answer. However, once the ideological issue, that is, the left-right issue, is involved first, the thinking stops. In other words, it changes similarly to a state of schizophrenia.


Schizophrenia includes thought confusion and reality analysis confusion. Thinking confusion shows symptoms such as non-logical conversation and disconnection of thoughts. Reality analysis confusion is a phenomenon in which only oneself sees, hears, or believes in what others do not see, hear, or believe. That is why hallucinations and auditory hallucinations appear. Schizophrenia shows progressive deterioration.


- David Brizer-


It is not a matter of distinguishing between the presence and absence of neurosis like two sides of a coin. It is correct to grasp the phenomena of humans and society as a continuous concept. In other words, it is the difference in degree.


Although we identify criminals only as bad people, it is also possible to define them as people who have no self-control. There are many people who want to commit crimes or commit crimes in their imagination, but such a attitude of mind is expressed as an action when there is a lack of self-control. There is no one with a strong willpower among neurotic patients or criminals. Perhaps it is true that people become the right human only when they suffer.


Those who cannot make rational observation or analysis, that is, those who cannot think reasonably, are more likely to fall victim to gas lighting. People who live in a similar spiritual world will both be gas lighting priests or believers who fall victim to gas lighting. Those who lead the environment independently will be gas lighting priests, and those who are driven passively will be believers.


The world of blind ideology is like a delusional world of religion, even though it seems like a grander and more academic world. Ideology and religion can both contribute to our lives through a rational thought process. It is natural that a person who blindly talks about ideology or religion will cause a big problem later on. And we have seen a lot of big problems actually happen.


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