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2024년 9월 19일 목요일

Sociality and Publicity of Political Power

When I occasionally move to work, I see that a workplace with many long-term employees without interaction with the outside world is stable (only for long-term employees), but a special personality of the group is created. For example, even though the company's work is public, such as the bus transportation industry, there is a tendency to gradually build walls with the environment and become socialized.


When political power is born in an inner group, the sociality and publicity that the political power should pursue are lost. The current Korean government, which was born in the cooperation between the inner group of prosecution and conservative politics, seems to have lost its sociality and publicity from the beginning until now. As the actions of the head of government and grotesque neighbors are critically reflected in mass media and SNS, leadership and publicity are gradually lost.


Koreans are prone to confusing publicity with left-wing ideologies while making ideological judgments first. However, in a democratic society, it is the role of political power to adjust interests in various private areas using public minds.


Hannah Arendt (1906-1975), a Jewish and German political scientist, says that humans should participate in the public sphere with the will to do so. However, Korea's current political power is very private. Korea's political power seems to confuse capitalism with selfishness, presumably on the premise of immature ideological thinking.


Politicians' roles have already ended since they made people feel tired. Many politicians made people feel trustworthy and cozy. However, it seems that politicians who made people feel trustworthy had a great will for the public space.

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