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2024년 9월 12일 목요일

Intelligence operations of a person living in a wide world


Even when I was driving a bus, I did not leave economics-related books, diplomacy-related books, or history-related books. I was thirsty for knowledge. I thought that the reason why the Korean Peninsula experienced a tragic history, swayed by ideology, was that it did not have a mature education. Even while studying practical things such as law and engineering, I often read books that were far from studying for the exam because I thought I needed to know more.


At one point in the past, a president was diligently engaged in craft politics. I almost became the victim because I had passed on to the work of intelligence agencies related to my father. But at that time, I realized that I knew a lot. I carried out my own battles brilliantly. My enemy was an ideology. I thought that it would benefit all of us on the Korean Peninsula only if we deal with something more fundamental and historical than a barely crafted president. Then, there is one more thing I learned.


After the opening of the port, Japanese intellectuals had many reformist patriots such as Takamori Shaiko. Patriotism has paved the way for the far-right Japanese politics that have been passed down so far. The Japanese leadership, who attempted to expand Japan with the idea of co-prosperity with the East Asia, must have been developing knowledge and ideas appropriate to their will. It would have been different from ours, which was passive in ideology or foreign power.


As mentioned before, the Korean leadership fighting over ideological issues must have been very small to the Japanese leadership, who have developed extensive knowledge and strategies. I know that feeling. I think those who live in a smaller mental world than me are those who can move.


After annexing Korea, Japan only gave Koreans practical education. The Japanese government engaged in craft politics to get rid of the habit of Koreans becoming aware of themselves as Koreans. Since then, the Japanese government has been engaged in craft activities, such as providing scholarships to create pro-Japanese figures in Korea. I also saw the 7-hour incident between the Yomiuri Shimbun and former President Park Geun Hye as a craft activity. At that time, Japanese figures and Korean politicians frequently drank, and all of these actions seemed to me to be Japan's craft activities. And when an anti-Japanese president was elected, I don't know anything else, and it was good to just have a cold view of Japan-I'm not saying let's make Japan an enemy. I mean, let's have a cool and objective perspective.


Now, however, we are all miserable. Those with a narrower vision than me are in power. Both the North Korean and South Korean governments should pay more attention to the maneuvers of neighboring countries to keep us in a narrower world than to ideology. And Seoul should stop being pro-Japanese right now. Otherwise, the current Korean government should let go of its grip.


Entering a period of great orcas wriggling again, Korea's only way to live is for its people and politicians to have the cool-headedness to understand the changes in the fundamental drivers of the international community and around the Korean Peninsula and judge national interests. Diplomacy, as President Kim Dae Jung said, is our masterpiece.


- [If you know diplomacy, you can see the world] by Lim Hantaek -





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