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2019년 9월 16일 월요일

Japanese ideology

There was a Japanese company that did not look like a Japanese company. Mirai Industrial is a mid-sized company that has produced electrical appliances and continues to make a profit. The human-centered management of Yamada, chairman of Mirai Industries, was quite famous. Yamada’s educational background is all that he graduated from middle school and once lived in a theater frenzy. So he seemed to know humans well. “When the curtain rises, acting should be left to the actor, otherwise the actor will not grow and the play will be ruined if the actor fails to grow.”It was Yamada’s words.

Japanese grand companies wanted to learn Yamada’s management philosophy. But they were accustomed to customs and habits. They didn’t want to take the risk of change. Yamada is the founder, but existing Japanese grand companies have had history and tradition. Many large Japanese grand companies were founded during the imperial period. They have grown in step with the nationalistic administration. They have failed to have a creative effect on national philosophy.

In May 1969, I went to Japan to study at the invitation of my alma mater, Professor Sambonki(三本木) of the University of North East in Japan. I was at the time leading the Korean metal engineering community. I was an engineering professor at Seoul National University and I studied at the University of Minnesota as an exchange professor for a year from 1956 when I was invited by the U.S. State Department. By the way, when I came to Japan, my studies at that time were no different than kindergarteners. I couldn’t help but panic.

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One day, however, my advisor, Dr. SamBonki(三本木), called me with a serious look.

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In other words, he told me to study again at graduate school if I am a doctor who will return to Korea and teach students. Shall I start my master’s degree? Should I start with my Ph.D.? asked. He asked me to start with my master’s degree again.

- Park Hee-sun, a former engineering professorat Seoul National University -

On the other hand, I read a book titled [NIHON SHIDO-GI] published by Shinhan Research Institute(SRI), which was established by officials of Shinhan Bank, a Japanese financial company. The contents are so impressive that I still have a book.  

 A warrior does not enter Nirvana even if he dies. They are a devil to defend his territory and his master. They are reincarnating as a man seven times and ten times and ten times to protect the Lord.

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Without any doubt, he does not make life a living or death, and he “protects and upholds” all of the world and the future. They live on one of these beliefs. Isn’t this what transcends life and death? Isn’t this the only undying principle?

These contents are repeated. The author of this book is Shugoro Yamamoto, a short story. It was thought perhaps the Institute of Business published to instill loyalty to its employees.

I knew about Mirai Industry in the 2000s, and read Park Hee-suns writings and [NIHON SHIDO-KI] in the 1980s. It was understood that the development of science and technology was hindered by ideology. South Korea and North Korea should learn a lot from Japan’s failure. The Korean Peninsula will not be the only one suffering from ideology.

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