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2024년 7월 12일 금요일

Age of Innocence

When I was a young man, I taught law and social sciences at private institutes and looked at religion, and it was a very long-term attitude to consider ideological issues. However, I think I lived a life ahead of practice in words and thoughts. It remains a scar on my heart now. I intended to become pure when I was immersed in sports, factory workers, and bus drivers. However, contrary to my intention, I experienced a phenomenon of neglect of the real economy or on-the-job work that was gradually destroying Korean society. Korean society makes it embarrassing to work and live an economic life.


When I studied economics, I focused on the development economy centered on the North Korean economy, so I stayed away from financial and economic sectors such as stocks, bonds, and corporate mergers. These days, political power and its surroundings seem to be getting noisy due to stock price manipulation and economic fraud, so I bought a few books and immersed myself in them. It was not difficult. With a little legal knowledge, economic knowledge, and shamelessness, it was something any good citizen could do. The problem is that when a large number of good citizens change their minds and generalize their fraudulent economic lives, our society will enter an irreparable disease. Now is the time for danger.


I feel ashamed and sorry for the young people. But when I get older, I think more words and thoughts than actions. When it comes to the economic field, it will be much more complex, but shallow and agile.


On the one hand, I just thought that North Korean President Kim Jong-un's branding of South Korea as a complete enemy had come. As for ideology, North Korea has shown limitations, and South Korea has shown limitations.


If I were President Kim Jong-un, I would have thought that I should take a firm attitude and not be dragged around on the fact that the progressive and conservative governments intersect in power and show contradictory attitudes toward North Korea. If I were the president of South Korea, I would have thought that there was no possibility of any exchange with North Korea as long as it existed as a socialist ideological state that could not become a market economy.


In recent general elections in France, the far-right party failed to gain strength, contrary to expectations. The extreme right ideology and the far left ideology have an optical illusion that looks larger than they actually are due to their stimulating attitude. However, the reality is that the path of pragmatism was right. The era of young President Macron is still an era of purity. On the one hand, I expect the young North Korean president, Kim Jong-un, to seek a path to pragmatism.


As humans grow older, ethical intelligence, along with other intelligences, can also decrease. As we get older, we can only become agile and violent in our thoughts. We all have to be careful about the time.


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