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2024년 6월 22일 토요일

The End of Elite Politics and the War in Ukraine

While studying engineering at my spare time, I learned the Linux operating system and cloud system at the academy last year. At that time, the academy instructor said that while acquiring the IT field, something new was developed and a constant whip was applied to the running horse. Of course, if you learn professionally, your salary is high. I think I am suitable for my aptitude, but I am too old compared to my colleagues. In addition, I remembered a bad memory about the bar exam. They passed the professional exam, but I remember the prosecution politics, which became the epitome of rejection because they misused it. I was rejected and ended my life, and some passed and ruined the country. Compared to that, I still think I lived a good life.


A gangster has been lampooned in cartoons to mock the world and himself by engraving a tattoo of a wrong pledge to live a good life on his forearm. This is the image of elite politicians who laugh at the people. On the other hand, a farmer beat the chicken's neck and removed all its fur to eat it in winter, but it revived and ran away into the forest. The farmer, who lost the chicken by a long shot, sighed and said, "It's only cold for him to run away." This is just me.


Sometimes figures who want to become political leaders tell us the problems of elite politics because they do not know the prices of ordinary people, including bus fares. Still, some older people, who have not yet been democratized, consider politicians to be "the upper people," which is the basis for elite politics to still exist.


Nowadays, in Korea, a group sexual assault incident in 1991 in a provincial city called Miryang is a problem again. At that time, the perpetrators were weak in punishment, and the residents also showed an ethically broken society, criticizing the victims. Now, more than 20 years later, Korean netizens are showing the appearance of a new democratic era by informing the personal information and traces of the perpetrators through YouTube and sending warning messages to the city of Miryang.


On the other hand, if Russian President Putin had a little more understanding of the psychology of Russian and Ukrainian citizens, or if the Russian intelligence agency FSB had carried out more comprehensive and intelligent espionage activities, there would have been no war in Ukraine. And I feel sorry that many Ukrainian residents and young Russians could have been saved. The judgment of the elite, who are isolated from the citizens' thoughts, raises many problems.


Putin expected Ukrainians to welcome with flowers the Russian forces sent to liberate them from Nazizm and nationalism. Instead, they met the Russian with Javelins, and Stinger, and Ukraine’s own Skif or Stuhna anti-tank guided missiles.


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Despite Putin’s illusions about his mission of “liberation” in Ukraine and the propaganda used to portray the Ukrainian government as a Nazi band, many Ukranians saw the Russian invaders as the true Nazis.




President Putin had the illusion of liberating Ukraine from Nazi. An anti-tank missile flew in instead of a bouquet of flowers that the Russian invaders expected as soon as Russian troops entered Ukraine. The Ukrainians regarded the Russian invaders as real Nazi.


It's no one else's business.            

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