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2024년 6월 19일 수요일

Russia and the New Cold War

Russia's President Putin visited North Korean leader Kim Jong-un today.

It can be interpreted as the establishment of a new cold war era. Unfortunately, it can be said that the Korean Peninsula has become a dependent variable of the Cold War. It is funny to say this as a Korean, but it is also a moment when I am looking forward to Chairman Kim Jong-un's bargaining power. I hope that President Putin's visit will benefit North Koreans as well.

이형춘(Hyeong Chun Lee): russia에 대한 검색결과 (hyeong-chun.blogspot.com) 

Originally, Putin is friendly to the Korean Peninsula from a long-term perspective. Now that the intention to advance westward was thwarted by strong Ukrainian resistance, he may be looking forward to advancing eastward. Some might think that it is impossible for Russia to start a war and improve its isolated environment around the world. However, time justifies many changes. Russia is a durable country. It has abundant resources and territories, so it has its basics. Putin, a former intelligence chief, seems to think that Russia has still a long way to go.


On the other hand, when the Soviet Union collapsed in the past, the West's failure to quickly implement a project to integrate Russia into the liberal camp was a major mistake. Perhaps there was an optical illusion in which Russia, armed with nuclear weapons, appeared to be too big an opponent. Or perhaps it was because of the 'habit of the Cold War', which is still the most worrisome weakness of humanity. Even now. That is the case. The habit of the Cold War has come to life like a ghost. Leaders of each country may think they are smart, but when they look back on themselves, they have not deviated from those thoughts. Russia's Putin government, China's Xi Jinping government, the Biden government of the United States, Japan's Kishida government, South Korea's conservative government, and North Korea's government are all ideological governments. They are very determined to wage a grand war, even for a minor reason.


- At this juncture, I hope world leaders will either become a little more discouraged and become passive, or hand over power to young politicians. I'm scared to death. I suffered a lot from the trauma my parents experienced during the Korean War. What did I do wrong?


On the one hand, South Korea and North Korea should again become independent variables rather than dependent variables of ideology. So, South Korea and North Korea should not bleed into ideological fights that originated from powerful countries like they did 70 years ago. Seoul and Pyongyang must awaken. We must not repeat silly international relations.


Regardless of whether it originated from an independent defense strategy or whether it was a proxy war in the New Cold War, it is true that the Ukrainian people suffered a great tragedy. The same is true of Russia. Worse yet, Russia is likely to continue its supply offensive against Ukraine, as it did in World War II, with its large territory and abundant underground resources. The Putin administration will believe that the domestic economy, which has shrunk due to export bans, can be offset by increased domestic demand through war. And there is no doubt that, in time, a practical global community will be exonerated of war crimes. A ceasefire must be reached quickly between Russia and Ukraine.



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