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2024년 6월 7일 금요일

Resolution of the aporia 

I was in big trouble when I was a kid. I caused trouble to see the end of the world, but my parents were unexpectedly calm. My father's brief request, "Don't let it happen next time," seems to have been a guide throughout, and then acted out of trouble.


Aporia is a philosophical term derived from the Greek word for 'no path'. It refers to a problem situation in which two conclusions are drawn or difficult to solve for a problem. Socrates, an absolute Greek philosopher famous for saying "knowing yourself," is famous for making the conversation partner fall into an aporia and realize that the other person himself is ignorant.


Socrates tirelessly accelerated the search for truth against the 'truthless sophistry' of the Sophists prevalent at the time. Socrates' desire to seek the truth seems to have been raised by his wife, Xanthippe, who is famous for the wickedness that plagued Socrates. Xanthippe tormented Socrates, who was always incompetent for doing philosophy. "Those who learn the art of horseback riding first learn how to deal with the fierce horse. This makes it easier to handle other horseback riding horses," said Socrates, I think Xanthippe helped greatly in creating Socrates' world of philosophy.


During the Joseon Dynasty, there was a conflict between Lee Hwang's theory, which emphasized reason, and Lee Yi's theory, which emphasized specific reality. Later, it turned into a partisan fight between the eastern people centered on Lee Hwang and the western people centered on Lee Yi.


Practical scholars in Joseon, including Jeong Yak-yong, tried to understand the realistic human desires and take care of the lives of the people. Until the 18th century, Joseon's Neo-Confucianism was devoted to philosophical aporism, making it difficult for the people to live. Practical scholars in Joseon tried to solve the problems of Neo-Confucianism.


"It is impossible for humans to go outside of logic," says German mathematician and logician Gottlob Frege (1848 1925). This means that logic takes precedence over personal subjectivity. Frege says that even scientific discoveries should be made clear of the logical form of language by becoming a reality on the basis of logic.

Reality creates ideas, and ideas are expressed logically to improve reality. However, subjectivity and emotions seem to intervene and cause many problems. There are attempts to solve problems that seem to have no answers with ideas. Conversely, reality sometimes solves the problems that ideas cause. It seems that behind things that cannot be solved, there are human emotions and desires that are not cool-headed.

Friday, March 28, 2014

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