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2024년 3월 23일 토요일

The usefulness of incremental change / the war in Ukraine

The war between Russia and Ukraine must end now. The earliest time is to think it is too late. The end of the war is important not only for Ukraine but also for Russia. Russia consumed not only the cost of war but also the cost of opportunity to develop in the future.


There will be a lot of investment in the Western capitalist economic structure for Ukraine's post-war recovery. There will be a recovery, as if the West had been recovered by the US Marshall Plan after World War II. However, the longer the war in Ukraine, the longer Russia's economy will be expected to remain isolated.


Korea-friendly President Putin will likely think a lot about Northeast Asia to overcome Russia's expected economic isolation. However, Northeast Asia, especially South Korea and North Korea, is a dependent variable on the Cold War ideology, as is the current phenomenon. -The expression "I can't help it" is used accurately in this case.


Just as much as President Putin (actually the Russian people) who still has the Cold War ideological sense and habit, the leaders of South and North Korea (actually the people of the Korean Peninsula) do. - I have looked carefully for 20 years, but the delusion of ideology is a spiritual creature that survives with persistent vitality by habit and political necessity.


Gorbachev, who had risen to eminence through the brutal struggles of the communist hierarchy, was determined to reinvigorated what he considered a superior Soviet ideology. Reagan and Gorbachev each believed in the ultimate victory of his own side.


There was, however, a crucial difference between these two unexpected collaborators: Reagan understood the mainspring of his society, wheres Gorbachev had completely lost touch with his. Both leader appealed to what they considered best in their systems. But where Reagan liberated his people’s spirit by tapping reservoirs of initiative and self-confidence, Gorbachev precipitated the demise of the system he represented by demanding reform of which it proved incapable.




Now is a time when leaders' flexible and peaceful attitude is desperately needed. A peaceful attitude of cooperation between Russia and Ukraine will be much more useful than rapid unification. The same applies to South Korea and North Korea.


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