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2023년 6월 3일 토요일

A reclusive loner/future-oriented education

These days, a case in which a woman in her 20s, who was a reclusive loner, committed a mutilation murder has become a big issue in Korea. The media emphasizes the suspect's condition of being a reclusive loner, but her seclusion without dreams and goals is thought to have been a problem. This is because she confessed that she spent a lot of time alone watching crime-related videos. It's because she was badly educated by her proximity, so to speak. - sympathy or assimilate


In some cases, not only individuals but also political groups, countries and society show the behavior of reclusive loner. This is the case when politicians are obsessed with ideology, when political groups are grouped within them, when religious groups become blind and fanatic, when the country's diplomatic relations break down, and social exchanges are cut off due to social stratification.


For many hours when exchanges with the outside world have been cut off, reclusive criminals justify and execute their criminal acts (murder) through repeated work that converts their imagination into reason, like Raskolinif, the main character of Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment."


In fact, when I think about the ideological issues that cannot be excluded from my article, numerous political crimes are justified by combining imagination with ideology or religion, and often put the world in the chaos of war.


Time alone is free. But it is a time of many possibilities and responsibilities. Many saints have said that if someone sees something good at that time, thinks of something good, and executes a good deed later, it is worth the time alone.


I have observed the deviations of many reclusive loners while driving a bus in downtown Seoul. Perhaps it was because it was easier to face competition, defeat, and culling than in the countryside. In addition, I thought that there was a big problem in education in Korea. In particular, the educational issue makes me realize a lot about political activities, and I thought that politicians born of competitive education were not prepared enough to engage in utilitarian political activities. However, we cannot expect that political power created by negative competition can change the education system that can be effective in the long run. I think a lot of social consensus and improvement are needed on educational issues.


Korea's future depends on utilitarian education.


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