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2025년 2월 16일 일요일

Far-right and far-left psychology

As a young man, I once worked for a while in a workplace with many elderly people over the age of 60. The workplace was led by an old man in the Marine Corps sergeant. He graduated from the theater management department of a prestigious university and was very fierce. He had a history of divorce due to domestic violence. However, he suffered from a rough society in his own way. When he was in the military, he was beaten every day with a machine gun sag. Politically, he showed a far-right tendency. I stayed well. However, on the day the old man was not in good condition, big thing happened. To relieve his bad condition, he started to harass his team members. Sometimes he punched his team members. The old man's brutal attack began on me, trying to restrain it. When he couldn't beat me, the old man lay down in front of the front door of the central building of the company. Then he shouted that the young man was trying to kill him. The old man and I were fired for the incident. The old man complained in front of the president that he was being fired because he got caught up in a young man's trick.



He was an old man who suffered under authoritarian rule and had a broken personality. And as a theater film artist, I imagined it at will. Hitler was also a painter. Their rich imagination went in the wrong direction. When ideology marries madness, it produces a monster called far-right or far-left.



In Western democracies like Korea, France, Sweden, Israel, and Japan, far-right forces strive for political power, but countries with the remnants of a socialist state cannot be free from the far-left. If Russia's Putin has nothing to gain from its war on Ukraine, its old forces will use ideological delusions to push Putin out. China set its history back by mobilizing far-left forces to launch a Cultural Revolution. Even Mao Zedong could not stop it.



I expected North Korean President Kim Jong-un to reform North Korea, but on the other hand, I couldn't help but worry about a coup by the genuine communist North Korean military and previously nationally nurtured socialist fighters. So I recommended a gradual reform. Looking at the martial law situation in Korea now, I think I'm right.



The extreme right or the far left are those who have suffered damage from the existing order, but they delusion that they can live more stably if they gain strength by taking advantage of the existing order. Therefore, they try to protect the existing order more dramatically than the dramatic reformers. Reform requires knowledge and wisdom, but the extreme right or the far left have learned a lot from the damage from the existing order. In other words, they learned how to oppress while being suppressed. In any case, the extreme right or the far left is a dark world of psychosis because they do not want peace.



Living on the Korean Peninsula, I think the following these days.



North Korea was very strange, but South Korea is strange these days...

극우와 극좌의 심리

청년기에 60대 노인이 많은 일터에서 잠시 일한 적이 있었다. 해병대 하사관 줄신의 한 노인이 리더였다. 명문대학의 연극영회과를 졸업한 노인은 매우 사나웠다. 가정폭력으로 이혼한 경력이 있다. 그러나 나름대로 거친 사회의 풍파를 겪었다. 군대 시절 기관총 자루로 매일 맞았다고 한다. 정치적으로는 극우적 성향을 보였다. 나와는 별일 없이 지냈다. 그러나 노인이 컨디션이 안 좋은 날 큰 일이 벌어졌다. 안 좋은 컨디션을 해소하기 위해 팀원들을 괴롭히기 시작했다. 때로는 주먹질도 하였다. 그것을 제지하는 나에게 무지막지한 공격이 시작되었다. 살살 피하는 나를 이기지 못하자 노인은 회사 중앙건물 현관 앞에 누웠다. 그리고는 젊은 놈이 자신을 죽이려 한다고 소리쳤다. 그 사건으로 노인과 나는 해고되었다. 노인은 사장 앞에서 젊은 놈의 술수에 걸려들어서 해고 된다고 투덜거렸다.


권위주의 통치 아래서 고통을 받으며 성격이 망가진 노인이었다. 그리고 연극 영화인답게 마음대로 상상했다. 히틀러도 화가였다. 풍부한 상상력이 방향을 잘못 잡은 탓이다. 이념이 광기와 결혼하면 극우나 극좌라는 괴물을 낳는다.


한국을 비롯하여 프랑스, 스웨덴, 이스라엘, 일본같은 서구 민주국가에서는 극우세력이 정치적인 권력을 얻기 위해서 노력하지만 사회주의 국가의 잔영이 남아있는 국가는 극좌세력으로부터 자유로울 수 없다. 러시아의 푸틴이 우쿠라이나와의 전쟁에서 얻는 것이 없다면 러시아의 옛 세력은 이념적인 망상을 무기삼아 푸틴을 밀어낼 것이다. 중국은 강청일당이 극좌세력을 규합하여 문화대혁명을 일으켜서 역사를 후퇴시켰다. 마오쩌뚱도 막을 수 없는 일이었다.


나는 북한의 김정은 위원장이 북한을 개혁할 것이라고 기대했지만 한 편으로는 진성 공산주의자인 북한 군부와 이전에 국가적으로 양성해 놓은 사회주의 전사들의 쿠데타를 걱정하지 않을 수가 없었다. 그래서 점진적으로 개혁할 것을 권유했다. 지금 한국의 계엄사태를 보니 내 생각이 맞은 것 같다.


극우나 극좌는 기존 질서로부터 피해를 입었지만 기존 질서에 편승하여 힘을 얻으면 좀 더 안정적으로 살 수 있다고 망상하는 이들이다. 그래서 극적인 개혁 세력보다 더 극적으로 기존 질서를 지키려고 한다. 개혁은 지식과 지혜가 필요하지만 극우나 극좌는 기존 질서로부터 피해를 입으면서 배운 것이 많았던 것이다. 즉 탄압당하면서 탄압하는 방법도 배웠던 것이다. 어쨌든 극우나 극좌는 평화를 원하지 않기 때문에 어두운 정신병의 세계다.


한반도에 살고 있으면서 다음과 같은 생각이 드는 요즘이다.


북한도 매우 이상했는데, 요즘은 한국도 이상해......  

2025년 1월 30일 목요일

Various Thoughts on the Martial Law in Korea

The president, who created the martial law crisis, says it was a means of warning and predicting failure in the first place. However, even though it was a poorly planned martial law, if it had been successful, there would have been a lot of coercion and control. The martial law crisis was caused by the president's legal beliefs and accidental feelings, but it is expected that the gambling nature was hidden in it.


What surprised me a lot among the facts revealed was that a former commander of the military intelligence agency, who had entered the military academy with the highest grade, combined with shamanism and contributed to the martial law incident. I think it was linked to superrationality, such as shamanism, because originally intelligence agencies needed intuition in addition to factual information. However, relying on the ultimate superrationality that humans do not know is an act of giving up reality. Bus drivers with 10 years of experience, athletes with 10 years of experience, politicians with 10 years of experience, and chefs with 10 years of experience have superrational intuition in their respective fields. The main players of this martial law incident are those who dreamt of futile delusions with futile desires.


After returning to the city where I worked as a bus driver a long time ago, I feel that the city is becoming increasingly impoverished. It seems that Korea is becoming more conservative and declining, with fewer children, quiet cities and fewer bus passengers. The martial law incident has put a damper on the national system that is struggling amid difficulties. The determination to go the conservative path is a determination to move away from development. In fact, "Japan's sinking" is a symbolic expression of Japan's decline due to the large number of elderly people and conservative state management. If Korea does not want to go down the same path, it should prevent bizarre incidents and characters from appearing. Considering checks and balances, Korea should not have any political bias, but the martial law incident that occurred due to the conservative tendency this time is an act that can erase the future of Korea.


If humans do not learn the wide world, they think the world they live in is everything. That is why I myself predicted that the power generated by the prosecution would make everything around them decline. Korea is a country that exists while realizing the issues of cooperation and globalization between countries. It is a country too high level for peripheral talents to rule. Those who decide to become leaders of Korea in the future need to study and experience a lot.


What attracted his followers were countervailing qualities of a rare and inspiring order; Roosevelt was large-hearted and possessed wide political horizons, imaginative sweep, understanding of a time in which he lived and of the direction of the great new forces at work in the twentieth century......




한국 계엄 사태에 관한 여러 가지 생각

계엄 사태를 일으킨 대통령은 애초에 실패를 예정하고 경고의 방편이었다고 말한다. 그러나 허술한 계획의 계엄이지만 성공했다면 많은 강압과 통제가 있었을 것이다. 계엄 사태는 대통령의 법적인 믿음과 우발적인 감정에 의해서 발생했지만 도박적 본심이 숨겨져 있었을 것으로 예상한다.


드러난 사실중 내가 많이 놀란 사실은 육군 사관학교를 수석으로 입학한 경력이 있는 전직 군정보기관 사령관이 무속신앙과 결합하여 계엄 사태에 기여한 점이다. 원래 정보기관은 사실적인 정보자료 외에도 직관이 필요했기 때문에 무속 신앙과 같은 초합리성과 결부된 것으로 생각한다. 그러나 인간이 모르는 궁극적 초합리성에 의존하는 것은 현실을 포기한 행위다. 10년 경력의 버스 기사, 10년 경력의 운동선수, 10년 경력의 정치인, 10년 경력의 요리사는 각자의 분야에 초합리적인 직관을 가지고 있다. 이번 계엄 사태의 주역들은 헛된 욕망으로 헛된 망상을 꿈꾼 사람들이다.


오래전 버스 기사로 일하던 도시에 오랜만에 돌아와 버스 기사로 일해 보니 도시가 점점 피폐해지고 있는 느낌이 든다. 아이들의 활동은 점점 적어지고 도시도 한가롭고 버스 승객들의 수도 적다, 한국이 점점 보수화되고 쇠망해지는 느낌을 보는 것 같다. 이번 계엄 사태는 어려움 속에서 근근히 버티는 국가 시스템에 찬물을 끼얹은 사건이다. 보수의 길로 가겠다는 결심은 발전과 멀어지겠다는 결심이다. 실제 일본의 침몰이란 의미는 일본이 노령인구가 많고 그에 따른 보수적인 국가경영으로 일본이 쇠퇴함을 상징적으로 표현한 말이다. 한국도 그와 같은 길을 가지 않으려면 기괴한 사건과 인물들이 등장하는 것을 막아야 한다. 견제와 균형을 생각하면 정치적인 편견을 가지지 않아야 하지만 이번 보수적인 성향에서 발생한 계엄 사태는 한국의 미래를 지울만한 행위다.


인간이 넓은 세상을 배우지 못하면 자신이 살아가는 세상이 모든 것이라고 생각한다. 검찰에서 발생한 권력이 주변의 모든 것을 쇠망하게 만들 것이라고 내 자신이 예측한 이유는 그것이다. 한국은 국가간의 협동과 세계화의 이슈를 현실화시켜 나가면서 존재하는 국가이다. 지엽적인 인재들이 통치하기에는 수준이 너무 높은 나라이다. 앞으로 한국의 지도자가 되겠다고 결심하는 이는 많은 공부와 경험을 하여야 한다.


루즈벨트의 추종자들을 매료시켰던 것은 단점을 상쇄하는 희귀하고 영감을 불러 일으키는 그의 자질이었다. 그는 호탕했고, 정치적 시야가 넓었으며, 상상력이 풍부했다. 그는 자신이 사는 시대를, 그리고 20세기에 작동하는 거대한 새로운 힘이 나아가는 방향을 잘 이해하고 있었다.



2024년 12월 28일 토요일

Turn on the lighter / martial law and intelligence

A white explorer visited the natives. Proud of his cultural superiority, he taught the natives how to smoke with matches. One of the natives, who huddled together and watched with curious eyes, said to the natives next to him, "I've never seen a white guy use a match without a lighter to smoke, have I?"


The unit commander, who was patrolling the shell warehouse, suddenly asked the accompanying troops aloud. "Is anyone here with a cigarette?" cried the private nearby. "Here you are!" the sergeant growled in a low voice. "That soldier," soon afterwards, the private pulled a flashlight out of his pocket and flicked it on the commander's face.


There was a movie in Korea called Turn on the Lighter. An unemployed man lost his entire fortune, the lighter, while he was on a reserve training trip. His stubbornness triggered and he tracked down the lighter to the end, and he became involved with the gang's massive train hijacking incident soon after. And for no other reason than to have a fight with the gang members only to get back his only fortune, the lighter.


There was a case in which the Korean president, who was always in jeopardy like a child by the water, declared an inappropriate martial law. Perhaps because he had a long career in elite prosecutors, he could not understand the people's sentiments on the ground at all. Moreover, he vigorously mobilized state intelligence agencies such as the National Intelligence Service and the Intelligence Command (HID), but the intelligence agency seemed to be making all-out efforts as a state agency designed not to be loyal to the president but to the people.


Amid the order to arrest and kill lawmakers and politicians opposing the president, I laughed when I saw the special forces perform their duties like adults trying to protect precious pots next to the Capitol window or handing over guns over the window frame.


Originally, I didn't know whether it was arbitrary or unintentional, but since the moment I ran head-on into a presidential candidate while feeding him carp at the Admiral Yi Sun-shin Memorial Hall, I have predicted that the president would be trapped in laws and systems, and use them to give many people a hard time. That's why I wrote to him to drop his power quickly and voluntarily. I hope the president understands quickly that Korea has nothing and becomes difficult when a stable system falters.


And people don't seem to have to worry about the disappeared intelligence officers. These generations of intelligence agents must have had a hard time getting the President's strong orders because they are more substantive than the past generations and have a strong sense of being an intelligence agency for the people. In my opinion, the agents might have had a strong belief in the safety of the people rather than ideological beliefs. It has since been predicted that Korean state leaders will not be able to use the intelligence services for their personal political ambitions.


The moon is watching from above

On my back is a small bag of food

The desert beneath us has no end ahead

And my mother promises my little brother;

“A little more, a little more,

Lift up your leg, a last push

Toward Jerusalem.“


The moonlight stood fast

Our bag of food was lost...

And at night bandits attacked

With a nife and a sharp sword

In the desert, the blood of my mother

The moon is my witness

and I promise my little brothers;

“A little bit more, a little more

The dream will be fulfilled

Soon we will arrive in the Land of Israel.“


The lyrics of the song are the poem [The Journey song] by poet Haim Idis, which depicts the great migration of Ethiopian Jews towards Israel, the Promised Land. In 1977, Israeli Prime Minister Begin called in Haka, the director of Mossad, a world-famous Israeli intelligence agency, to command him. "Bring Ethiopian Jews to Israel."


In a country as desperate as Israel, political leaders and intelligence agencies have a long and bumpy road.